Discover the team's vision

To enable every human being to feel safe in all interpersonal communication in order to access their full potential: to be authentic and not conditioned by cognitive biases, to be themselves, truly

Caroline Matteucci, founder of Cryfe

An atypical entrepreneur

“Cryphe” (or “Kruphos”) refers in Greek to something secret, of dubious authenticity. Caroline Matteucci, the founder of Cryfe™, has spent most of her life observing and unravelling humankind’s secrets. Formerly a security police inspector and holder of an eMBA and a Master’s degree in coaching, she trained in profiling (a set of techniques for reading and analysing behaviour) with the FBI’s (Federal Bureau of Investigation) best professors: Dr Paul Eckman and M. Joe Navarro.

In 2017, Caroline founded CM Profiling. The profiling training courses led by Caroline quickly made a name for themselves in Switzerland, and then internationally. In 3 years, more than 500 professionals (HR teams, police units, etc.) have been trained in congruence analysis as an aid to recruitment, conflict management, negotiation and leadership thanks to CM Profiling.

 The turning point

The problem was that CM Profiling’s training courses have a limited duration. Once the course is over, it is natural for a participant not to retain all the profiling concepts and techniques introduced.

It was while reflecting on how to support her clients over the long term that Caroline Matteucci decided, in 2017, to condense her profiling expertise into software: Cryfe, beyond words.

A solid foundation for the future

Cryfe is the result of the combination of Caroline Matteucci’s expertise and the cutting-edge technological skills provided by the IDIAP Research Institute in Martigny and the HEIA-FR School of Engineering in Fribourg, as well as the Swiss Innovation Agency  Innosuisse’s support. Its algorithms were fed by a dataset filmed in a real interview situation and annotated by specialists in the field. They are based on scientific research and combine the latest technologies in facial recognition and audio signals with artificial intelligence

Just like its product, the Cryfe™ team aims to be innovative and can count on a strong, competent and involved ecosystem.

The Cryfe™ team

You think you can bring your know-how to the table? Contact us if you want to join our team. We are always on the lookout for talent!

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