Analyse congruence and authenticity through our solutions

Cryfe™ « Authentic Behavior » - the software for authenticity analysis

You have a video of a face-to-face or video conference interview and you want to be able to analyze and validate the highlights or the moments of uncertainty?

With a recorded interview you want to analyze, create an account directly on the platform Cryfe™, upload your video and start the analysis.

Cryfe™ will notify you when the analysis is complete. You will find a summary with the key points of the interview, without having to watch the whole video again. You can also review the analysis if you want to dig into the details of specific signals that might be especially interesting for you.

You may review the specific moments when your interviewer was impactful, presented a particular facial expression or demonstrated a gesture of comfort or discomfort. Cryfe will highlight key points of congruence or incongruence (see how it works). You will then be able to get prepared for your next meeting (for example by listing specific points to come back to), to point out key points or to take a concrete decision.

Depending on your company’s practice and vision regarding interpersonal communication, you will be able to present to your interlocutors their strengths (congruence) and return to the key points of incongruence, allowing them to express themselves again.

You may also use your analysis made with Cryfe™ to allow your interlocutors to learn about themselves. It is especially interesting when it comes to outplacement, personal coaching or even during internal interviews.

Finally, note that Cryfe™ is a multilingual software and understands already several languages: French, English, Italian and German.

The VIP© method, to review the key points of an interview

Cryfe™ is used to its full potential when you apply the VIP© (Validation Incongruence Practice) developed to optimise congruence analysis. This method optimizes the identification of authenticity and, in case of any incongruence or discrepancy is detected, to come back to it.

The VIP© method is based on the fact that when a person listens to an interesting, well-constructed and emotional story, their body speaks unconsciously and in an authentic way.

The VIP© method can be summarized as follows:

“Through the formulation of examples, the goal is to trigger an unconscious emotional response from your interlocutor by carefully observing the visual or audio signals, in order to validate his emotions or confirm the perceived incongruences.”

While using Cryfe™, you will also access an explanatory video about the VIP© method. By combining Cryfe™ and the Validation Incongruence Practice, you will improve the way you conduct your interviews by giving smart feedback to your interlocutor on the key points highlighted by our software.

And if you need to go more into details, you will also be able to access personal training provided by CM Profiling, the company behind Cryfe™.

Training courses

In order to make the most of Cryfe’s services, we propose, in addition to the VIP, to train you in congruence reading and analysis.

We currently offer several types of training internally or with our partners institutes’:


Soon you will also be able to follow our e-learning courses. So do not hesitate to subscribe to our Newsletter to stay informed.

If you want to build your own training course, contact-us.

Ask for an e-specialist's expertise

Whether you have used Cryfe to analyze your video or that of your interlocutor, you may need to go further. You may want to better understand the data you have acquired; or you may want to prepare, with guidance, your hypothesis catalog for the VIP.

Our consulting sessions can also be adapted to your needs.